Wednesday 22 April 2009

Driving Test Pass Limits?

Driving Test Pass Limits?

As an Approved Driving Instructor since 1996, I’m very used to being asked certain questions regarding the driving test. One of those regularly asked questions is; can driving examiners only pass a certain number of driving tests a week? This is a question I can remember asking my driving instructor some 26 years ago. I could just answer this with a simple yes or no, however that would lead to a very short article and may not completely convince you. So let’s look at some facts.
The average (overall) pass rate for UK driving test centres is normally around 45-50 %. However if you look around the country you will find widely differing pass rates. These differences may be due to the difficulty of the roads or volume of traffic near to the test centre. Also the affluence of an area can make a difference, as the learners may be able to afford more lessons prior to taking their driving test.
Here are a couple of examples:
1. Birmingham (Kings Heath) as very busy area has a pass rate of 30.13% for the year 2007-2008.
2. Gairloch (Highlands, Scotland) a rural area, which for the same period had a pass rate of 70.59%.
If there were driving test pass limits, then shouldn’t they have the same pass rate?
Now the question has possibly changed to have particular test centres got set driving test pass limits? Let me give you a recent personal experience. At the beginning of the year (2009) I had a run of 10 tests all passing in a row (most 1st time). Then I had a fail and then another couple of passes. If my local test centre had a set pass rate, then wouldn’t I have had some of my first 10 tests fail, as the normal pass rate for this test centre is close to the national average?
However, as is often the case, there may be some, if possibly only small, element of truth about driving test pass limits. First imagine you are a driving examiner. You know that over the course of any given week/month or even year, the test centres pass rate is normally around 45-50%. However you know that you have recently been passing a lot higher % than this. This may lead you, or senior examiners to wonder if you are marking the tests differently to the other examiners at the same test centre. The examiner may, in this instance decide to adjust their marking slightly as they believe they are being too lenient. This does not however mean failing someone who has done nothing wrong. Instead it may be that in a slightly grey area, which could be either a driving fault or possibly a serious/failure mark, the examiner decides to be stricter and puts down as a failure mark!
Please remember that this is only my opinion; however it is one gained from experience, having listened to a great number (hundreds) of debriefs at the end of the driving test, as well as sitting in the back during dozens of tests over the years.
So what do I mean by grey areas and how can you avoid them? Grey areas will be situations where different people could view the learner’s actions differently, such as one person/examiner feeling that a learner is travelling slightly too close to parked cars and another simply too close. It is down to the examiner’s own perception of the situation and, as in most situations this can be slightly different from person to person.
So how can a learner avoid falling the wrong side of this decision? Well the obvious answer is to drive correctly. However one of the key areas to look at is what the examiner believes the learner’s attitude is to their driving and other road users. If the learner appears to be trying to drive well, using good observation, planning well ahead and considering other road users, then the examiner is much more likely to give the learner the benefit of the doubt if there is a decision to make.
In conclusion, if the learner drives correctly then they will pass the driving test and they don’t need to worry about possible driving test pass limits. The better prepared the learner is the greater their chances are of passing the driving test.
For more details on learning to drive, together with lots of practical information and advice please visit us at:

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