Wednesday 27 May 2009

Learning to Drive Books. Do they Help?

Our aim here is to look at whether you should buy (and use) books, e-books, CDs/DVDs and revision cards. Or would you be better to save this money and instead spend it on more driving lessons?
Most people will want to save money where possible. This can lead to learners deciding not to spend money on learning resources, as they seem like an unnecessary expense. However this could prove to be an expensive mistake, costing the learner a lot more money rather than saving any.
Let’s look at another area of learning as an example of the importance of reference books. Imagine you are studying for you’re A levels (possibly you are). You attend the classes and pay attention to the teacher; however between lessons you have no text books available to you. This is going too severely restrict your ability to complete homework or study between lessons. Relying solely on the class lessons is not going to enable you to keep up with the rest of the class if they are working between lessons. The result is likely to be poorer grades, than those who are able to study correctly. You only need to see the amount of books students carry with them when attending schools or colleges to realise the importance placed on reference books by teachers.
So what books etc should you buy and why?
First I would suggest that every driver should have an up to date Highway Code, as this contains important information that the learner should be familiar with, ideally it should be read even before driving lessons are started. This will also be very useful when it comes to studying for the theory and hazard perception tests.
Next would be one of the many Learning to Drive Books or CDs/DVDs. Again I would suggest buying this before starting lessons, as it will enable the learner to study the topic of their next lesson.
This will mean that the learner is more prepared for their lessons, which will enable them to reach their goal of passing the Driving Test quicker and needing fewer lessons.
The result will be a saving on the overall cost of learning to drive and passing the driving test.
Finally I would strongly suggest downloading the specially prepared Driving Test Revision Cards. These will enable the learner to recall key facts they have already learned even under the pressure of the driving test.
So is it worth spending £15-£20 on learning to drive books? This will even cost you less if you use some of the excellent e-books that are now available.
The answer has got to be a resounding yes, as you are likely to save many times this on the cost of extra driving lessons and tests. Preparing well/correctly for driving lessons and the driving test really will be worth it. So don’t delay, buy those books today and start saving money.
If you would like to see my own recommendations, please visit my website and go to recommended books, within my online shop. You will also find our own e-books and Driving Test Revision Cards.

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